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Forward Movement to establishing the PA profession in Israel!

Posted over 1 year ago by Adina Freud

As you might recall, as part of our ongoing efforts, together with Israel’s Ministry of Health, to formalize the physician assistant profession in Israel, we hosted a roundtable on March 27th last year with the Leader of the Coalition and Chairwoman of the Knesset’s Health Committee MK Idit Silman, and Deputy Director General of Israel’s Ministry of Health, Dr. Sefi Mendelovich, in New Jersey. The goal of the roundtable was to educate and expose the government representatives about the scope of the role of PAs in the United States and to elucidate the untapped potential of Jewish PAs in North America.

At the end of the evening, Dr. Mendelovich promised to follow-up with progress updates as they became available. Since our last meeting, the legislation passed the first out of three votes the night of the dismantling of the government and since then was officially put on hold. We continued to work behind the scenes with the Ministry of Health officials to have everything in place for the new government and on February 19th continuation of the legislation process was approved by the new government and we are back on track for this historic change in the Israeli health system.

We would like to invite you to join us on March 19th at 4:30 PM at the Glenpointe Marriott in Teaneck for a detailed update and presentation regarding the formalization of the Physician Assistant profession in Israel by Deputy Director General of Israel’s Ministry of Health, Dr. Sefi Mendelovich together with Minister of Aliyah and Absorption, MK Ofir Sofer, Minister of Negev and Galil, MK Yitzchak Vaserlof, Chairman of the Knesset’s Health Committee, MK Uriel Busso, Chief of Staff for Israel’s Minister of Health, Mr. Yisrael Uzan, and Nefesh B’Nefesh Co-Founders, Tony Gelbart and Rabbi Yehoshua Fass. Following the presentation by Dr. Mendelovich we will be holding a small networking event together with representatives from the Israeli healthcare system for you to be able to speak with them in person both to help them better understand the role of a PA as well as hearing from them how the Israeli medical system works.

Please let us know if you will be able to make it by registering vis the link below:

Thank you in advance,



Tani Kramer   |   תני קרמר
Director of Israel Strategic Planning
מנהל תכנון ואסטרטגיה, ישראל
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